Ingram Micro Helps Accelerate Partner Success with Microsoft Azure and New Commerce Experience

Taking the complexity out of cloud services and solutions, Ingram Micro Inc. today announced aseries of enhancements to its Cloud Marketplaces globally around Microsoft Azure and New Commerce Experience (NCE). Among the features now readily available to Ingram Micro channel partners are greater, real-time visibility into Microsoft Azure billing, plus new Microsoft NCE billing configurations to help simplify and speed subscription management.

“With these new and expanding Microsoft-centric capabilities and integrations, we are giving our channel partners what they asked for—solving for complexity by enabling them to work within the Ingram Micro Cloud Marketplace to land, manage, and expand their Microsoft business faster and easier,” notes Victor Baez, senior vice president, Cloud, Ingram Micro. “They asked, and we listened and took action to make it work.”

Ingram Micro is a leading global Microsoft distribution partner, serving almost 25,000 partners in more than 30 countries. With channel partners looking to Ingram Micro to help establish, expand, and grow their Microsoft business, these key billing and promotional updates are essential to the experience and continued adoption of Microsoft Azure and Microsoft NCE.

The new Microsoft enhancements added and coming soon to the Ingram Micro Cloud Marketplace include:

    • Azure Usage Billing Reports: Saving channel partners time on reconciling billing with accurate cost visibility, self-run periodic reports, and real-time billing projection.
    • NCE Billing Enhancements: New and coming soon Microsoft NCE billing configurations, making it easier for channel partners to schedule, co-term, and automate their subscription commitments.
  • Advanced NCE Automation Features: Bringing real-time, on-demand visibility to NCE promotions so channel partners can activate new business faster, streamline purchasing, and deliver a better experience to their teams and customers. 

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