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Home Technology NVIDIA Deep Learning Institute Announces New Courses in Data Science and Autonomous Machines

NVIDIA Deep Learning Institute Announces New Courses in Data Science and Autonomous Machines

A lack of appropriate skills is one of the biggest barriers organizations face in adopting AI, according to a study by McKinsey.

To address this gap, the NVIDIA Deep Learning Institute is launching new courses — both instructor-led and self-paced online — to help developers and data scientists solve real-world challenges with deep learning and GPU-accelerated computing.

DLI’s new hands-on AI courses are kicking off at the GPU Technology Conference, March 17-21 in San Jose, Calif. In collaboration with Microsoft Azure, DLI will offer more than 75 instructor-led training sessions, six full-day workshops, and dozens of self-paced trainings — all powered by NVIDIA GPU-accelerated workstations running in the Microsoft Azure cloud.

“The Deep Learning Institute has trained more than 120,000 developers, researchers and data scientists,” said Greg Estes, vice president of developer programs at NVIDIA. “Now, with Microsoft Azure, we’ll educate an even larger community on the latest AI technologies, giving as many developers as possible access to optimized software and GPU-accelerated workstations in the cloud anytime, anywhere.”

“Our collaboration with NVIDIA will bring the array of DLI content to many more developers around the world,” said Talal Alqinawi, senior director of Azure Marketing at Microsoft. “This fuels innovation through scenarios like high-end remote visualization, deep learning and predictive analytics.”

To meet the growing demand for data science skills, DLI is offering an online, self-paced course on Accelerating Data Science Workflows with RAPIDS. Developers will learn how to write accelerated data science workflows from scratch using key machine learning libraries like cuDF (GPU-enabled Pandas-like dataframes) and cuML (GPU-accelerated machine learning algorithms).

Another online, self-paced course, Data Science Workflows for Deep Learning in Medical Applications, will teach developers how to use data manipulation techniques and convolutional neural networks (CNNs) on medical imaging datasets.

Both courses are available starting March 17 to developers worldwide on the NVIDIA DLI website. They’re also available as instructor-led sessions at GTC to anyone with a GTC Conference and Training pass.

In addition, DLI has expanded its autonomous machines curriculum with an instructor-led workshop on Deep Learning for Robotics. Sold out at GTC, this workshop explores how to create robotics solutions on NVIDIA Jetson for embedded applications. The workshop is led by a DLI-certified instructor and offers a certificate of competency.

DLI hosts instructor-led workshops at customer locations, at NVIDIA’s headquarters in Silicon Valley, and at major industry conferences. Request the robotics workshop for your team starting March 17, or get started with an online, self-paced course in AI Workflows for Intelligent Video Analytics with DeepStream on the NVIDIA DLI website.

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