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Home Technology Four Providers of 3D Printing Solutions in EMEA

Four Providers of 3D Printing Solutions in EMEA

The four companies named IDC Innovators are 3YOURMIND, AMFG, GROW Software, and LEO Lane.

Developments in 3D printing have demonstrated that additive manufacturing technology has the potential to transform traditional manufacturing. But while IDC sees examples of 3D printing slowly moving from prototyping to serial production, the adoption of additive manufacturing (AM) for the latter has been relatively low, as companies struggle to streamline the process. There is a growing need for solutions that can facilitate the adoption of 3D printing for large-scale industrial production. Large companies have a strong foothold in this market, but there are small vendors that bring targeted innovative solutions to this market. The companies identified as IDC Innovators offer innovative new solutions and technologies or groundbreaking business models that could accelerate their growth and potential market impact.

“The vendors profiled here bring innovative solutions to the software market for additive manufacturing production and prototyping,” said Galina Spasova, senior research analyst with IDC’s Hardcopy Solutions group. “Their solutions help to enable greater control of the entire process, enhance traceability and security, and allow for better product quality control, speeding up production and increasing process automation for improved quality, while minimizing the need for manual labor.”

3YOURMIND‘s software enables the optimization and automation of end-to-end workflows for companies that use additive manufacturing.

AMFG offers a software platform that facilitates moving from rapid prototyping to industrial production by allowing users to manage the entire workflow from design to finished product.

GROW Software‘s solution enables companies to introduce 3D printing by removing some of the barriers to adoption, such as design IP protection, build validation, and quality assurance.

LEO Lane provides a differentiating software-as-a-service (SaaS) product for 3D printing, enabling companies to ensure manufacturing repeatability and IP Protection over their 3D printing files.

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