Gates Summit Will Give 360 Degree View On Channels

The much-expected second version of the Gates Summit is nearing while the industry leaders are about to participate in the event. With all preparations on the go, Ashish Kapahi (AK), CEO at GATES APAC, in an exclusive interaction with B Swaminathan (Swami), Associate Editor,Cell IT shares his views on the event. Edited Excerpts

Swami: What is the event all about? (Agenda and how you had planned)

AK: 3 days of 1 on 1 meetings along with knowledge sharing sessions with industry experts which kickof with Keynotes and Vendors presentations and end with Gala Dinner and Awards.

Swami: What is the profile of the participants?

AK: Resellers channels, Vendors, Researchers, Industry Bodies and enablers.

Swami: Who are all the sponsors for the event?

AK: Our event partners range from a wide range of ICT vendors to service providers, channel enablers, Industry bodies and research houses each of contributes to the larger ecosystem in their own way.

Swami: What are the 5 reasons one should attend your event

AK: Mainly to understand and get a 360D view of the industry ecosystem supplemented with business with new vendors.

Swami: What would be the top 3 take-away after the completion of the event

AK: Key would be an informed view on how the industry is shaping up and where the new opportunities are to grow your business.

Swami: What are the new aspects of the Gates compared to the previous years?

AK: We are evolving as a Summit and enriching our format and participation further each eyar.

Swami: What are the value additions for the participants? (Like seminars, hands on sessions)

AK: We provide different levels of engagement for all stakeholder starting form Keynotes, to panel discussions to 1 on 1 meetings etc., and are building on this making it more efficient and cost effective for participating vendors.

Swami: What is the overall business value you expect out of the event?

AK: We believe in value creation through constant innovation and each of our summits deliver both tangible and intangible value for our partners.

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