Youth should opt for innovation:CM

Chief Minister N Chandrababu Naidu launched Mukyamantri Yuva Nestam website at Praja Vedika this evening to provide unemployment dole of Rs 1000 per month to over 10 lakh unemployed youth in Andhra Pradesh.

Speaking on the occasion the Chief Minister said Yuva Nestam is aimed to fulfil the ambitions of youth. The scheme is aimed to bring Convergence including skill development, self employment, apprenticeship for youth empowerment. By launching a Job portal the state govt will help youth in training and placements including competitive examinations. All the benefits of Yuva Nestam except unemployment dole will be provided to others who are not eligible for the scheme. Praising Jewish creative entrepreneurship, the Chief Minister said same entrepreneurship should be developed in AP.

The Chief Minister said Youth in the age group of 20-30 years are more power full. They should be brought under a single platform to train them as powerful force. Youth power is more in India and it will be continued for two to three decades. Youth are successful in IT sector in the world as they are well versed in both English and Mathematics.

The Chief Minister said Universities should establish data bank of both graduates and post graduates. Universities should concentrate on both education and placements. He said AP youth are getting highest per capita income in Silicon valley.

Stating that Mukyamanthri yuva Nestam will provide a platform to focus on youth empowerment, the Chief Minister advised Youth to give priority for innovation. AP emerged as destination for development with 11.2 growth rate at present. He said youth are in inspiring time they should utilise knowledge. Knowledge with information technology a deadly combination.

The Chief Minister said With IT background youth can do wonders. Citing example, he said the govt has been Experimenting drones in Guntur municipality to supervise sanitation. Drones can monitor the mosquito breeding centres and operate spraying to curb mosquito menace. Technology will also help to curb pest menace to protect the standing crops.

The Chief Minister said AP should be in top 10 in the world. Best governance is available in AP. All services will be available on line to establish ease of living. Delivery mechanism should be mixed with human angle. Some of the welfare programmes achieved 96 per cent satisfaction level from people. Most livable standards should be established by providing quality of water and food with the help of organic food. Govt is determined to provide quality air through continuous monitoring and using electric vehicles and solar power. It all possible with technology only.

Speaking on the occasion Minister for IT and Panchayat Raj Nara Lokesh said over 10 lakh unemployed youth will be benefited by the Mukyamantri Yuva Nestam scheme. He said that the Yuva Nestam scheme will emerge as an ideal scheme in the country.

The minister said that the Yuva Nestam scheme was aimed to provide skill development to youth, self employment opportunities, apprenticeship through a tie up with various industries and unemployment dole of Rs 1000 per month.

The minister said that before launching the scheme, group of ministers formed for the purpose studied the scheme being implemented in other states. The unemployment dole scheme was introduced in 10 states and dropped after some time in 4 states. At present the scheme is being implemented in 6 states for limited number of unemployees with a meagre amount of Rs 500. He said that the state govt has to spend Rs 1200 cr on towards this scheme per year. Minister Kollu Ravindra said that the state govt is giving top priority for empowerment of youth.

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