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Home CEO/Interviews Forcepoint Modernizes Cybersecurity Industry Pricing With New Unlimited Consumption Subscription Model

Forcepoint Modernizes Cybersecurity Industry Pricing With New Unlimited Consumption Subscription Model

Next-generation enterprise security leader Forcepoint announced the company’s new Forcepoint Advantage enterprise licensing program delivering enterprises the industry’s most cost-effective and flexible all-inclusive security subscription services specifically designed to enable enterprises to dynamically grow and fund their digital transformations.

Traditional cybersecurity pricing models are obtusely complex requiring enterprises to license each point product separately which results in a costly security stack with inherent interoperability and manageability challenges that inhibit the ability to get ahead of today’s threat environment. The current product-centric security paradigm forces the average enterprise to deploy 50 or more individual products to create a loosely integrated security fabric which is contributing to the near record number of infrastructure compromises and data breaches.

Forcepoint Advantage modernizes the cybersecurity industry’s approach to pricing with a single per-user subscription program across the endpoint, network, cloud and entity behavior analytics. This eliminates the need to license and manage separate point products – such as a firewall, web gateway, CASB and DLP – by offering unlimited access to Forcepoint’s integrated portfolio of user, data and edge protection solutions for a more than 30% reduction in total cost of ownership.

Imagine buying a car one part at time with separate licensing agreements for each part. For too many years our industry has favored increasingly fragmented point-product markets that result in organizations paying too much for often redundant security capabilities and still not adequately addressing their business needs,” said Matthew Moynahan, CEO of Forcepoint. “Forcepoint recognizes that solving today’s most pressing security problems requires tight integration of capabilities that cross traditional point product boundaries. We are committed to being a true security partner by driving convergence across the security stack and returning value back to our customers in the form of dramatically reduced licensing costs and lower operational burden for their already resource constrained security teams. Every user on today’s enterprise network must be protected, and we are committed to making it affordable for our customers to do so through programs such as Forcepoint Advantage.”

Forcepoint Advantage eliminates the hidden costs buried in today’s traditional point product licensing models. Enterprise subscribers garner up-front access to all the features and functionality of Forcepoint’s security solutions with new cloud capabilities continuously added throughout the life of the subscription – at no additional cost. And, with Forcepoint Advantage’s transparent and predictable support, organizations garner the most flexible enterprise deployment model available today to cover unlimited user growth, whether through organic business expansion or mergers and acquisition, over the term of the relationship.

Enterprises continue to be challenged with the ability to get ahead of today’s threat landscape. Shifting cybersecurity thinking to addressing breaches before they happen is the path forward for enterprises to effectively mitigate today’s biggest attack vector – the compromised employee,” said Doug Cahill, Group Director and Senior Cybersecurity Analyst at Enterprise Strategy Group. “Behavior-based cybersecurity is tailor-made for the era of mobility and cloud because it enables enterprises to detect and respond faster. And in simplifying enterprise licensing packages and cybersecurity consumption models, enterprises are empowered to continue moving at the speed of digital transformation with an optimized security program built to meet their unique business needs.”


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