FAIITA selects unanimously new president Kaushik Pandya for the year 2019-2021

Federation of All India Information Technology Associations (FAIITA) selects new president Kaushik Pandya for the year 2019-2021. Around 19 IT associations from various regions of the country attended and participated in this process. Alok Gupta was the presiding officer of this election announced the unanimous and consensual selection of office bearers of FAIITA 2019-2021.

Kaushik Pandya – President
Devesh Rastogi – Sr. Vice President
Karthik S – Sr. Vice President
Navin Gupta – General Secretary
Liju S – Treasurer
Arun Kumar Dey – Jt. Secretary
Sushil Kumar – Jt. Treasurer
Viren Bavashi – Regional Vice President West
Mitesh Dave – Regional Secretary West
Deepak Bommisetty – Regional Vice President South
Ballu Anand Rao – Regional Secretary South
J.Bothra – Regional Vice President East
B.L Navlakha – Regional Secretary East
Manish Goel – Regional Vice President Central
Mihir Sharma – Regional Secretary Central
Naveen Gupta – Regional Vice President North
Naresh Kumar Batra – Regional Secretary North
Sanjeev Walia – National Convenor

The new incoming president Kaushik Pandya is IT Entrepreneur managing a network solution and system integration company named Kalp Systems in Ahmedabad for the last 30 years operating across Gujrat and the new incoming General Secretary is also an IT Entrepreneur managing Krishna Agencies Group, a pioneer firm established in 1964 well known for state level IT hardware distribution in Bihar & Jharkand.

There are around 50,000 empanelled IT partners across 25 states including T1 to T3/T4 partners, B&M stores and IT/ITES solution providers who create 500000 employment opportunity. The new team is getting ready with their plans on Business enhancement, Handling OLS issues with zero tolerance, Skill development, Dispute handling & reach, Special task committees, Promoting ecology & environment, Social charitable causes, Encouraging Make in India.

The new team will visit every member state and surely endeavor to reach every member associations across India. Zonal Vice President will create one event inline with member associations in their respective zone where Zone VP/Joint Secretary will be a part of local events organised by State federation/association. Membership drive will be expanded across all states of India, said, Navin Gupta, General Secretary, FAIITA.

During the current festive season and in coming years FAIITA shall continue with zero tolerance agenda with all the five brands in concern with the predatory prices on OLS. FAIITA will be in continuous communication with Ministry of E-commerce in respect to predatory prices and business hygiene over OLS as far as ICT products are concerned. FAIITA will initiate a dialogue with Ministry of E-commerce to protect the business interest and their existence and will also frame strict rules and regulations where OLS shall be restricted to discount the product with then MOP published by OEM, said Kaushik Pandya, President, FAIITA.

Alok Gupta, the presiding officer of this elections congratulated Champak Raj Gurjar, the Founder & Outgoing President who stood for channel issues time and again using his good offices and networking skills and acumen and formed FAIITA by forging different associations and weaved them into a body where local associations had their say. Champak Raj Gurjar is now designated as Chief Mentor & Permanent Invitee for FAIITA.

In last few years we joined 25 states association as FAIITA members which helped us to work on solution to predatory and deep discounting by OLS through close engagement with major brand owners. Also, many meetings with brand owners were held to arrive at a workable solution to mitigate risk and thereby ensuring profit of B&M. I feel that we have done good number of achievements and there are few unfinished tasks of outgoing governing body for information of members at large, said, Saket Kapur, Outgoing General Secretary, FAIITA.


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