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Home Associations ASIRT Trains Member-Employees On Soft-Skills

ASIRT Trains Member-Employees On Soft-Skills

Mumbai, Jan 21: ASIRT – Association of System Integrators and Retailers in Technology organized a soft skills training workshop for member employees recently.
This ASIRT TechEDGE workshop, a yearly social cause event created a major stir with unprecedented turnout. Aimed at improving lives of employees empowering them with better social environment, gain respect & grow in their careers being the goal ASIRT charts a new course that other associations must follow. While many business owners stifle growth of employees so that they can be exploited as cheap labour, ASIRT members actually better careers of employees even at the risk of such trained employees being snapped up by corporate sector.
Arvind Singh, ASIRT president said, “ASIRT has been organising TechEDGE seminar for owners and employees starting with Microsoft Cloud training in 2012 and subsequently hosted training sessions on networking technologies for WAN, LoS, Wireless and storage. These events are attended by senior technical support team members apart from owners and pre-sales team of ASIRT member companies. We already have had 3 soft skills training workshops now and the way these workshops are packed to capacity show how important they are for companies and employees, another first by ASIRT”
Shirish Marathe, a seasoned IT service provider and speaker added, these employee empowerment workshops are most needed to help attendees solve human, behavioral aspects and personal etiquette to make them presentable to earn them respect as business support system of IT rather than customers equating with AC or scooter mechanic.

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